Exploratory project

I have been thinking about my exploratory project but need to get some ideas down. Reflecting on my thinking – I recognise my tendency to get carried away by too many ideas, especially when I have totally free reign. I feel that I need to set some restrictions on myself as I can’t pursue every idea that I have. Although I think that there is still a lot of currency in my exploration of the rope collections, perhaps this needs parking for the moment. Looking through my great, great grandfather’s (?) seaweed album again has made me realise what a rich and exciting document this is. Looking more closely has helped me to identify some of the things that interest me about this collection, apart from it being an incredible piece of family history/ document of the Victorian interest in collection etc. This is a list of words in response to looking at the album more closely:

Shadows/ imprints/ traces. Delicate, disintegrating, preserved, faded. Transparency, texture. Restrained, fixed, contained.  vivid. missing. selection. presentation. documentation. naming.

Out of the topics suggested for the exploratory project, I am mostly responding to an archive (also narrowing my subject area, experimenting with materials).


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